Scripted documentary style, animation and contradicting generational drama based on a true story from the 1980's about a young woman on her travels in America who accepts a lift from a stranger in a bar to a party that does not exist. Reimagined by a young actress today using Google earth and animation as location.
This story from the 1980s is told by the director, Trish McAdam, to the actor, Meghan Healy and composer, Vyvienne Long, and the director than records their improvised re-imaginings of that story from a contemporary female perspective... An experiment in cross-generation experience and creative collaboration. These recordings, audio and visual, are cut together, by the director, with Google Earth footage found in research and short animated sequences, created with Marc Sherwin in After Effects, in a style that reflects the filmmaking of the director from the 1980's but from a digital perspective.. |